Positief terugkijken nadat je straf op je billen kreeg
Sommige vrouwen die vroeger op school of thuis op hun billen kregen, kijken daar positief op terug. Dat is bijvoorbeeld omdat ze hebben leren doorzetten. Daardoor hebben ze meer bereikt dan anders het geval was geweest. Een vrouw van inmiddels 60 schrijft over haar jeugd op experience project:
I was a girl in UK private education system from 1968 to 78, including coed prep school, and an all girls boarding after prep. Discipline was firm, rather than strict, but any significant misbehaviour, laziness, disrespect, dishonesty etc invariably meant corporal punishment. As you say, it was something we expected when guilty of misbehaviour, and so it was rarely if ever resented. “Bending over and taking our medicine” was more than a trite cliché. We did!
And I cannot endorse too strongly that this unwavering focus on discipline and the immediacy of corporal punishment promoted a most positive learning environment. In consequence, average pupils exceeded their potential, and the list of bright pupils who went on to successful and prominent careers from my school alone is remarkable.
(Bron foto: spankingonline)
Eerder gepubliceerd op het Daphne Fotoblog op 23 december 2014.